Saturday, May 07, 2005


So I was just sort of incadentally watching Return of the Jedi on Fox this morning, and there was a preview for Revenge of the Sith.

And WOW. It looks like it's actually going to fail to suck.

I am excited about this. May 19th, you cannot come soon enough.


Aaron said...

I dunno, it just doesnt seem like god would love us enough to make it good.

Anonymous said...

I dont think god had much to do with the last two. Granted i liked em, but they werent worth twenty years of waiting. It looks, though, like as each passing 'Wars comes out it becomes decidedly more 'Wars. This has me kicking my heels in anticipation of the next. Pity, i wish i could see it with me Ashes.

Ashley said...

I wish you could too. And then I would be able to ignore the flaming hissing sensation which comes over me whenever I come near my crazy assistant managers. (read: crazy right-wingin' christian-types)

Aaron said...

*cocks shotgun* did someone say christians?!