Saturday, October 01, 2005


I just realised that I must be very very boring.


Anonymous said...

You are not all *that* boring.


Ashley said...

I am *pretty* boring.

Jon said...

But I still read this

Ashley said...

That just shows that I was right, and there truly //is// somethig wrong with you, Jon.

Anonymous said...

Hun, there's one too many "very"s there.
No, wait, there are two.
Carry on.

Ach, no, wait.
I mean, you arent boring at all.
In fact webster (the dictionary not the delightful black child) says boring means "uninteresting and tiresome; dull" and come ON who else can sing Katamari on the swing at work and get away with it. Or wears goggles as a not a fashion statment but just to wear em. Or play Halo2 and curse up a storm THEN go play PSO and curse up a storm? Damn interesting, you are. Dull, never. Tiresome? Only cars wear tires, now, silly webster.