Wednesday, November 02, 2005

on puppies...

I got up this morning to the whining of a small dog. When I finally got up, King's mom informed me that she had purchased a border collie puppy.

Apparently she'd picked it up at some farm where it had been allowed to roam free and ignored since its birth six weeks previous, which is a bad thing. It seems like the only thing this little critter's been eating is some sort of grass, and judging from her actions earlier when I took her outside, dirt. She was also somewhat dehydrated.

She also had quite a flea problem until very recently when she got a BATH. (I say 'bath' but I ought to really say 'hollocaust.' This shampoo I got was awesome. They were dropping like... things that drop.) Those fuckers were huge, too. Honestly the largest fleas I have ever seen.

She also hasn't had her shots, but we're taking care of that tomorrow (thank the gods.). We also ought to have her fixed.

On the upside, she is very very cute. Almost painfully so. And even more so in fact now that this whole flea buisness is getting under control.


Jon said...

I think we deserve some pictures of this puppy by now. To delay any further would be unconscionably unAmerican.

Ashley said...

Damnit, that means Ima have to find the crappy apple brick camera.

Anonymous said...

or you could just use our new Casio EX-s500b exfilm 5.0 mega pixel camera with sparkles. Really. There's sparkles.