Friday, February 02, 2007

page 68

For reasons that are too numerous and ridiculous at this particular juncture to articulate, World War Z is one of the most liberating books that I have read (Okay, so more like 'am reading,' please don't say anything stupid and ruin it for me, okay?), to date.

(Seriously guys. I have bad dreams about zombies, guys. Those have stopped pretty much, guys. Guys. GUYS.)


The Horns and the Hawk said...

that good, eh? i have oft-wondered about it. i might have to purchase it from the local "food library."

also, if i post this like 7 times, i apologize.

also also, if you run the last 4 blog titles of yours together, it forms a sentence. actually 2.

damnation, my neighbors are dumbfaces. also, they must be stopped.

Jon said...