Friday, March 30, 2007


I was torn from sleep by my alarm clock today, but I honestly didn't mind this time.

I was having a dream where I was in a bar by myself for some reason (maybe waiting for someone?) when this guy that looked somewhat familiar came in and cat across from me and started staring. He was tall and sort of fat, but mostly unremarkable. I ignored it for a minute or so (I have blue hair, people stare sometimes,) but eventually I got fed up and said something to the effect of 'Can I help you with something?'

And he answered 'As a matter of fact you can.' He had one of those atrocious semisouthern hick accents that automatically sends e into a killing rage. 'I have this 'pod, and I can't get songs on it. I was thinkin' you could-'

I cut him off, protesting that I was not only not in uniform, but was off duty, and had no intention of helping him. He walked over to me angrily and started yelling 'what do you expect me to do,' etc, and I suggested maybe helping himself by calling tech support or checking the website.

Then my alarm went off. Thanks, alarm!

1 comment:

The Horns and the Hawk said...

more sleeping woes: