Thursday, May 24, 2007

i have no idea what's going on with that, guys

I am pretty certain I don't have a cold, and this is only because when I have a cold (every fucking time,) one of my nostrils closes up entirely. This has not occurred.

What did occur was a ridiculous sneezing fit in my bathroom after showering this morning, followed by a sort of unreasonable amount of yellowish mucus surging forth from my sinuses. It was actually sort of impressive.


The Horns and the Hawk said...

i did that once. i couldn't breathe through my right nostril, and i was in the shower, so i started blowing and i blew until i was dizzy and i had spots in front of my eyes, then a most impressive DELUGE of yellow slime did issue forth from my orifices.

it was icky.

Anonymous said...


Stream Mom said...


Dude...why do I forget to check blogs every day.

Not sure if you're still blowing yellow slime. However, if you are, and your cheeks are sore just below your eyes, it could be a sinus infection. Could also be alleriges. Either way, if ya can, see a doctor.