Tuesday, November 06, 2007

aaaaaaah, sleep

You know when one day you don't get nearly enough sleep, and then the next day you know you didn't maybe get all you actually needed, but it was sufficient enough to keep you alive, and so you wake up feeling ridiculously rested and sort of feeling in an oddly positive mood?

Well maybe you don't, but I do, so there we are then.

For those of you who don't know, Sunday night I had a bit of an insomnia fit, and when the alarm finally went off at 6:30 and I peeled myself out of bed, I sort of did this awesome swooning technique and fell RIGHT BACK in bed. Yes people. I had the vapours. Or something.

Mostly I was just really sleepy, but I felt dizzy and feverish, and evidently not sleeping is worse for me than the some of the worst hangovers I have ever had. Long story short, I had a glass of water, and once 8:00am rolled around I was effectively passed out, and Kingland called my work like he was my mom calling my teacher to cover for my seven year old delinquent ass.

So basically I slept most of the day yesterday, and I slept all right last night, and now I am taking a SHOWER because I have yet to have a crazy fainting spell today. (Here's to that not HAPPENING.)

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