Sunday, July 31, 2005

I assure you, I am not dead.

As the title says, I live. I've completed my move to California and have been extremely busy working.

And, I appologise greatly, because this is extremely boring, but I haven't really got much else to report. The only vaugely intereting thing at the moment is the whole work situation in general. I will do this in a sort of itemised/listed manner, because that is truthfully the only way it makes sense to me at the moment.

*omitted for... stuff.*
3) I have a new friend named Ben.
a) He is awesome.
b) He is my FWIEND.
4) ben works at a nearby store
a) said nearby store is managered by Nancy
b) Nancy is awesome
5) People on the Decemberists board think I died
a) Thanks for the e-mail line, Jon.

...Um. I feel like I'm being boring now. Yes. Yes I am.

Oh! I have aquired a new television and an X-Box of my very own. So now I play a lot of Phantasy Star Online when I am not actually at work. Which is most of the time, to be honest. (I work 40 hours now, give or take.) So yes, if anyone wants to talk to me, I'm on X-Box live sometimes, and my screen name is something that you can e-mail me or Im me for.

That is pretty much the skinny.


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