Friday, August 05, 2005

Cheddar Biscuits.

As the title implies, or in fact, fails to imply, I have not all that much to say.

I am feeling rather blah just now, as I had a 'heart to heart' with Kingland's mom, or at the very least tried to. Or something. reguardless, mostly it consisted of a lot of things that I suddenly can't recall.

Reguardless! So I went to the mall with King this morning, because I rtaher thought I was supposed to be to work in about an hour from now. (and indeed I was) But I got a phonecall from my manager who informed me that payroll was all screwed up for last week, and I had to instead come in at 4:30. Whee. So I took King's boat of a car home and am sort of waiting around and wasting time until I have to go back to the mall and close the store. One good thing about this though: It'll be a short night. A really short night. And the tight payroll means that I can probably leave early tomorrow or perhaps on Monday. That would be sweet.

Oh, and I was informed yesterday (or was it the day before? I can't remember...) that Jon is going to make a guest appearance at my store sometime on Tuesday afternoon because apparently he has a newfound obsession with Katamari Damashi. (Good for you, Jon.)

Anyway I'm off now to play PSO. Or something. Likely I'll just watch tV instead because I am entirely too lazy to actually go about marching my ass to the other room for my super-tiny X-box controller, bring it back here, hook it in over here, turn on the X-box, reciever and television, and actually open my file and start playing.

(For those of you who weren't paying attention, that really honestly sounds like a hell of a lot more than it is, and I was ironically hinting at the fact that I am too damn lazy to do stuff right now.)

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