Tuesday, August 09, 2005

early days are, apparently, not all that bad

So I went in at something like fifteen 'till freaking eight this morning (which is to say 7:45), and -cue the shock and awe- it wasn't all that bad.

There were all of five people who actually showed up for the Madden opening, and all of them came in at least fifteen to twenty minutes apart. And there was soda. Ooooooohhhh, there was soda.

And then one (ish) rolled around, and Jon came to buy his PS2, and that made for a decent break in the day.

The only odd thing that happened was this one dude tried to kind of pick a fight with me. Apparently he called and talked to me yesterday (though I can't say as I remember the conversation,) and he had mentioned something about getting a call about there being (litterally) a party at the store for madden. With like, pizza and things. Apparently I told him he was mistaken, and he had some issue with that. Bear in mind, I do not remember this conversation. Basically I gave him his copy of Madden and sent him out the door before he could be unpleasant with me. I was having too good of a day for that. (Awwwww yeah.)

Shortly after that I went home. And I now realise that this wasn't that interesting of a story. Whee. Sometimes days end up good, and yet anticlimactic. Ain't that somethin'?

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