Wednesday, August 10, 2005

...maybe i'll go make some right now...

Seeing as I close today I was able to sleep in a bit. Following is the (short) tale of how I didn't.

Last night, after watching Stella (which I highly reccomend,) Kingland and I fairly promptly passed out. (At something like 11:00pm.) And then, when the alarm went off for King this morning at 9:30, I realised that I wasn't hat tired at all. And when he left about a half an hour later, I actually walked him to the door to wish him a good day and fed the Katt.

After this I walked back to the collective room realising that I was feeling incredibly well-rested and awake, and I hadn't even had coffee yet.

And then the bottom dropped out of the universe because the Gods realised they were messing with the natural order.

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