Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Hey wait, I think I forgot that already.

So tonight, after listening to Dane Cook and playing a hell of a lot of We Love Katamari, Kingland and Idecided to go get some Burger King.

This should have been simple, only for some reason, after we went through and gave our order, and were waiting at the window, things occured. I'm not referring to the eating establishment itself, though the 'service' in the drive through was subpar at best, as the lady didn't even indicate that we were to drive up. We assumed that this was the case and pulled forward, and waited at the window for our order. (Which, the last time I checked, is kind of what you do at drive-throughs. Common drive through etiquite, if you will.)

But then this this lady. Or sir. Or what have you, in an SUV behind us, suddenly decided that it would be a good time/idea to start beeping intermitently on their horn. This happened once or twice and we ignored it. But then for some reason this person decided to put their highbeams on. And flash them at us. A lot. We started to get a bit irritated, and finally King stuck his hand out the window and shouted something indeterminable. This quieted them somewhat.

We couldn't really as such figure out why, because we, being patrons of the drive through, and not indeed the workers making foods, could in no way quicken the expodition (if you will) of our foodstuffs contained therein. This is to say we aren't the bastards making the food, and no amount of annoying us (i.e, patrons,) is going to cause us (patrons) to pull forward, away from the window. In fact, that sort of behaviour from third parties (ie, anoying people) is in fact likely to simply cause you, (annoying party,) bodily and/or emotional strain/pains.

I wouldn't have had a problem with any of this, except that I'm just having a massive 'what the fuck?' moment. I don't know why we needed the passive aggressive behaviour. Especially not passuve aggressive behaviour directed at me and Kingland, who were just waiting for our food. Misplaced aggressing, maybe? Perhaps SUV peoples just wanted to brawl?



Stream Mom said...

can you say arsehole?

Jon said...

Maybe they were trying to warn you about the hook-handed dude in your backseat

Anonymous said...

Hey, leave Hook-hand™ out of this.

I think they were just sensing the brawl-time vibe ash and i have been putting out as of late and wanted to simply give us the chance to vent. Sadly, we waited in the parking lot, hands wrapped in gauze and glass but they kinda drove off. They didnt want none. They didnt want none.